Logo Gens Study

Knowledge is an extraordinarily
potent tool
for achieving well-being.


The Fondazione GENS ONLUS, founded in 2005, favour research on the role of gene x environment interaction on the onset, progression and outcome of non-transmissible common diseases such as  such as cardiovascular disorders, diabetes and cancer.  Fondazione GENS ONLUS, has its roots in the WHO definition of health: " Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”, thus recognize a priority to contribute to improvement of public health preventive measures. Knowledge, awareness and care are the pillar to build on efficient preventive measures. Within  this context we invoke a broad conception of “environment” encompassing  physical and biological factors together with social, economic and cultural ones. Compelling scientific evidence shows that physical and social health and well-being are closely interwoven and deeply interdependent, and that health is influenced by a broad range of determinants that lie beyond the health sector. A better characterisation of the interactions between environmental and genetic factors is critical to understanding the pathogenesis of multifactorial diseases, which represents a major burden of morbidity and mortality for our species.

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2015-10-12 - Un approccio integrato alla vita attiva e in buona salute: le possibili sinergie tra gli interventi nutrizionali

Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Federico II e dalla Regione Campania, in programma ad Expo Milano 2015 nel Padiglione Italia, Martedì 20 ottobre dalle 18.30 alle 21.30.

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2015-09-15 - Atelier

Urban Form and Active and Healthy Aging Naples, October 1st, 2015 – 4.30-7.00 pm

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