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Culture 3.0: A new perspective for the EU 2014-2020 structural funds programming Pier Luigi Sacco

[ indietro ]

In spite of the multiplication of successful examples of culture-led local and regional development across
Europe and elsewhere (e.g. Sacco et al., 2008, 2009), there is a widespread perception that the role and
potential of culture in the overall European long-term competitiveness strategy is still seriously underrecognized
(CSES, 2010). This reflects in the difficulty to bring cultural policy issues at the top ranks of the
broader policy agenda, and consequently explains why the share of structural funds devoted to culture badly
fails to match the share of cultural and creative sectors in total EU value added.

[ indietro ]

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12/10/2015 - Un approccio integrato alla vita attiva e in buona salute: le possibili sinergie tra gli interventi nutrizionali

Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Federico II e dalla Regione Campania, in programma ad Expo Milano 2015 nel Padiglione Italia, Martedì 20 ottobre dalle 18.30 alle 21.30.

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