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[ indietro ]

The Department of Molecular Medicine and Medical Biotechnology (DMMBM) was established in January 2013 to implement the new organizational structure of the University of Naples Federico II, in accordance with the Law 240/2010.
The facilities for research and teaching of the DMMBM are mostly located within the campus of the Medical School, Via S. Pansini, 5.
The DMMBM carries out research activities in the following fields: structure and function of biological molecules and their involvement in the pathogenesis of human diseases, development of innovative biotechnological approaches for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases.
Teachers and researchers of the DMMBM contribute to the pre- and post- graduate teaching and training in Medicine and in Medical Biotechnology, through the organization of Bachelors, Masters, Specialization and PhD Courses.
To carry out research and teaching activities, scientists and teachers of the DMMBM also contribute to the activity welfare of the University Hospital Federico II, in particular via the Departments of Integrated Activities (DAI) such as the Departments of Laboratory Medicine and Transfusion Medicine.
The DMMBM promotes the dissemination of research results, lifelong formation, transfer of knowledge and technology as a factor of socio-economic development, scientific cooperation. To this end, the DMMBM collaborates with numerous organizations and research institutions, in particular with the Institute of Endocrinology and Experimental Oncology (IEOS) of the CNR, the research centers CEINGE and Biogem, the District high-tech Campania Bioscience.

[ indietro ]

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2015-10-12 - Un approccio integrato alla vita attiva e in buona salute: le possibili sinergie tra gli interventi nutrizionali

Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Federico II e dalla Regione Campania, in programma ad Expo Milano 2015 nel Padiglione Italia, Martedì 20 ottobre dalle 18.30 alle 21.30.

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2015-09-15 - Atelier

Urban Form and Active and Healthy Aging Naples, October 1st, 2015 – 4.30-7.00 pm

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